October 17, 2022

Everything you need to know about temperature control packaging. And even things you don’t.
Remember the days when temperature-sensitive goods and perishables were flown around the world all degree haphazardly? You probably do because it wasn’t that long ago. Thankfully today, with the introduction of temperature control packaging, the global freight game has finally reached the 21st century.
Temperature control packaging, sometimes called cold chain, is defined as an uninterrupted series of storage and distribution activities that help products maintain a specific temperature range. As you can already begin to imagine, the need for it is vast and spans many industries. From food and perishable items to pharmaceuticals and medical supplies, temperature control packaging plays an important role in just about every part of our lives. Sure, food tastes better when it isn’t spoiled, but in some cases, pharmaceuticals can lose efficacy or even become dangerous if not kept at the correct temperature.
And no business knows that better than Ernest. We have all the temperature control products and services your business could need. We offer a diversity of both temperature control stock products and custom cold chain solutions readily available and ready to roll cold. TempEndure, our custom solution, has achieved great success in helping clients keep their temperature-sensitive products safe in the air and everywhere.
How does TempEndure® endure?
Our exclusive TempEnsure pack out solutions consist of a combination of standard and unique components to achieve the necessary temperature control for client’s packaging. And if that got you excited, just wait; there’s more. The proprietary TempEndure process ensures we use the best combination of products to reduce dimensional weight and drive lower costs for our clients’ temperature control shipping.
You really can’t go wrong; if stock isn’t an option or unique options for cold chain packaging are needed, TempEndure is absolutely the answer. When Larry French, our Senior Design Specialist, TempEndure expert, and internal celebrity, creates a customized temperature control packaging to perfectly fit client’s cold chain needs, consider it a home run.
Saving the world and its wallets.
TempEndure is truly temperature control at its finest. Not only does it just make sense, but most TempEndure materials are reusable and recyclable. They keep clients’ products colder for longer, which in turn helps reduce waste and save on emissions as expedited shipping is reduced.
How do they achieve these seemingly magical results? Well, one way is by offering quilts. Quilts keep frozen freights frozen longer. They’re essentially insulated pieces that are placed over or around a freight. They act as a buffer for shifting temperatures and help to keep temperatures relatively constant.
Another way Ernest prioritizes clients’ sustainability needs is by offering gel packs, one of the most common types of coolants or refrigerants used for transport that is also reusable. And that’s only the tip of the iceberg (cold pun intended). We offer a variety of other environmentally friendly temperature control materials as well.
TempEndure and CFI. Partners in action.
Ernest recently collaborated with longtime client CFI to identify ways to make their temperature control packaging materials more sustainable while upholding their cold chain needs. The result? A wildly successful solution that worked incredibly well at keeping goods at a constant temperature in the air. And to combat ground radiation, an integrated system to protect pallets from heat bouncing up from the tarmac was also created.
When two determined innovators combine heads, almost nothing can stop them. Because Ernest worked directly with CFI leadership, critical tests were championed over a nine-month period to ensure the solution would work for all of their transport needs going forward. This approach to cold chain is what CFI calls their Layered Approach (aka CoolSkies Technology). It’s all about keeping things cooler longer when faced with tarmac heat and gaps in the cool chain.
The ultimate takeaway? There’s no temperature control problem Ernest can’t solve.
Learn more about Ernest’s temperature control packaging and TempEndure here.