Micro Trends in Baby Boomer Food Packaging
September 13, 2016

For all of the time, money and effort spent targeting Millennials, you’d think Baby Boomers are all but gone as an economic force. That isn’t true – especially when it comes to food manufacturing. The truth is that it’s hard to pin down exact Boomer buying habits because there are about 75 million of them!
We Buzzed about the generational divide in food packaging before …
But this is only part of the story because no generation can be broken down into a one-size-fits-all approach. In fact, when we look at micro trends (though still substantial) we find that Baby Boomers and Millennials have a lot in common when it comes to food.
Trend: Healthy Snacking
Health food may sound dull and bland, but healthy snacks is more appealing. Everyone loves snacks, especially Baby Boomers! In fact, they spent $14.6 billion on snacks in 2014 compared to $8.2 billions spent by Millennials. (They love them more when they come in amazingly cool and useful packaging like the kind we designed for Snack Nation.)
Goal: Find Common Ground with All Health-Conscious Shoppers
Boomers and Millennials have slightly different keywords that attract them when it comes to snacks. Boomers like to see fiber, calcium, probiotics and vitamins in their snack choices where younger generations prefer seeing “all-natural,” “low carb” and “organic.”
What both generations agree upon is that simple, healthy foods are what they want to munch on when a craving hits. The right packaging can reinforce this message. For example, look at what we did for Poindexter Nuts with their new clean packaging with a visible window to the simple nutty goodness within.
Trend: Single Serving Packages
On-the-go meals for one are a hallmark of the Millennial who is busy running to their next cat-themed concert or unicycle rally. Baby Boomers like easy meals too! After all, with no more children in the home to feed, the appeal of fast meals with fewer dishes to clean is appealing.
Goal: Make Meals Simple So Buyers Can Live Their Life
Portion-controlled and convenient meal packages that offer a variety of foods can appeal to the lifestyle goals of young and old alike.
You need to present your product and brand in a way that meets customer needs and targets their preferences – no matter which generation. Custom-designed packaging to eye-catching POP displays can help you garner shelf space and grab attention.
That is where we come in! Give Ernest Packaging Solutions a call to learn more about how unique and expertly designed food packaging can connect your product to larger consumer groups. Because no matter how different the generations may be, they all still want a unique brand and packaging experience that speaks to their needs, and we can create it for you.