A Father’s Day Special: The Best of Mr. Wilson, Ernest Co-Founder
June 15, 2017

Father’s Day is right around the corner, and we can’t help but celebrate one of the fathers of Ernest Packaging Solutions: Charles Wilson (who also happens to be celebrating his 93rd birthday tomorrow!). This week, we’re taking a look back at our favorite Mr. Wilson moments throughout the years, and looking forward to many more to come!
In 1946, Mr. Wilson co-founded Ernest Packaging Solutions alongside his brother, and currently serves as Chairman and CEO alongside his son, Ernest President Tim Wilson. The key to Ernest’s success? There’s no industry secret here, it’s all about the people:
“Products are just products; everybody has products.” (Charles) Tim agrees: “You don’t sell to a customer for 25 years. You retain a relationship with them for 25 years.”
Relationships mean a lot to Mr. Wilson, especially those right at Ernest:
Mr. Wilson’s philosophy on his Ernest family:
From humble beginnings, Mr. Wilson led his family business to become a pioneer in the industry:
Mr. Wilson knows that Ernest’s growth runs deep:
Speaking of growth, check out those muscles!
Whether it’s powering through push-ups or perfecting packaging products, Mr. Wilson knows optimism is key:
But above all, Mr. Wilson’s humility is what makes us proud to call him the father of Ernest Packaging Solutions:
“Give more to others than to yourself. Be humble and you will get back tenfold.”
From Mr. Wilson and all of us in the Ernest family, we wish you and yours a very happy Father’s Day!