The Significance Of Rebranding And Redesigns
March 13, 2012

Very few arguments, if any, remain today in regard to the importance of packaging design and its impact on consumers’ responses to goods and subsequent sales. Essentially, good packaging design represents a product and brand identity well, all while remaining simple, sustainable and practical. On top of that, it can prompt browsing shoppers to turn into buying shoppers.
Unless you’re going to a P Diddy party, you’re going to want some color on those packages.
But every so often, packaging may need a bit of an update with either a rebranding or a redesign — which quite often go hand in hand. Package design has moved beyond blue = boys and pink = girls, put a handsome guys sell home cleaning and pretty girls sell beer…well some things remain the same I guess.
It’s important for a company to assess the vision and focus of its brand with the passage of time and the changing of fashions. After much research and reflection, it may be necessary for a business to shift focus and stance as well as packaging design to appeal to consumers as trends evolve.
After all, packaging is the primary way to convey the brand’s message and identity. It’s the first thing consumers experience, and in some cases like Coca-Cola’s classic bottles, the packaging itself can become so closely tied to the good that it’s almost overlooked as mere packaging and becomes part of the product.
So what are some examples of successful rebrandings and redesigns?
Take PBR and Apple, for example, bet you never thought you’d read that statement in your lifetime. PBR has long been a cheap beer beloved by American dads and college students, but since Pabst Blue Ribbon debuted its repackaged, rebranded “Blue Ribbon 1844” in China, it’s been selling for $44 a bottle. And Apple was on the edge of bankruptcy before its rebranding and redesign in 1997, and, well, we know how that’s working out for the company.
What are some of the steps that go into rebranding and redesigns?
- Research
- Finding a balance between the brand’s history and new trends
- An execution plan
At Ernest Packaging Solutions, we take every aspect of a redesign seriously and strive to conquer every challenge companies face in the redesign process. We truly go above and beyond to find solutions that work best for you.
Think of a redesign? Contact Ernest Packaging Solutions today. We’ll do our best to keep you from ending up like Tropicana.