Cardboard Desks Bring Affordable Education to India
December 02, 2014

During the holiday season, it’s easy to take our everyday luxuries for granted. Many children in India don’t have the basic necessities that they need to learn and better themselves.
Aarambh, a Bombay-based NGO, is using cardboard to help these impoverished students. They have made the Help Desk, a briefcase made of corrugated paper that folds into a desk. These desks only cost 20¢ to produce, which means that they’re easily accessible to provide to many students.
With more than 1.2 billion residents, India is the second most populous country in the world. Unfortunately, many of those people live in extreme poverty. Students without tools like the Help Desk often have to sit on the floor all day and hunch over to write on the ground.
Aarambh is another example of compassionate innovators using packaging materials to make the world a better place. The Ernest family cares deeply about packaging and helping our customers succeed, but we also care about the world that we’re creating for future generations.