Duck or Rabbit? It’s Beer Packaging Season
June 29, 2017

Inspiration comes in many forms, including bottles, cans and pint glasses. Beer has been mankind’s constant companion for thousands of years, so it’s no wonder some of our greatest achievements revolve around it. The world’s oldest recorded recipe, dating back to 3400 BC, is even for beer! With new craft breweries popping up every week, it’s becoming more and more difficult for established brands to stand out on the shelf. The key to success may be just a six-pack away.
North Carolina’s The Duck-Rabbit Brewery has been turning heads by scooping up medals at national and international beer competitions, but it’s their branding that has those same heads tilting. Based on a philosophical illusion, when viewed straight on the brewery’s logo looks like a duck, but when tipped to the right it appears to be a rabbit.
Duck season or rabbit season? Tilt your head & see!
While The Duck-Rabbit’s brews delight beer geeks across the American Southeast, their quizzical branding has inspired packaging aficionados as far Russia. The conceptual branding above was done by design firm DN Group, apparent fans of The Duck-Rabbit’s packaging.
No matter which side of the Pacific you’re on, it’s never a bad idea to reimagine your own brand and the role your packaging can play. As your company evolves, your established brand may no longer be an accurate representation of your offering. Does it speak to the value you provide your customers? Does it align with your position in the marketplace, and tell the story of how you got where you are today?
There’s also never a better time to conceptualize new packaging than right now. Your packaging is a customer’s first point of contact with your brand, so it’s vital to be loud and proud about who you are and all the awesome things you do right from the get-go. We’ve helped a number of companies fall in love with their brand all over again by providing refreshed packaging solutions. Call Ernest Packaging Solutions today to breathe new life into your own. Cheers to that!
Download our white paper and learn how the right design can protect your product, make it pop in crowded stores, and create a personal connection with consumers.