Falling in Love with Zappos #ImNotaBox Box
August 09, 2016

Zappos has made a name for itself in the online retail space by doing things differently, even before different was the norm. They are customer focused to an extreme. That dedication plays out in many ways that go beyond a traditional retail focus (namely, in customer service and returns and, now, packaging.)
The company’s latest innovation takes the shape of packaging. Zappos wants you to use its shipping box for something other than recycling, because it is not just a box to be forgotten. In fact, the materials can be anything you want it to be – if you have the imagination of what cardboard could become, that is.
The insides of Zappos “box” is full of ideas on how to use the packaging in fun and creative ways. What else are they suggesting you do with their boxes? Oh, you know—change the world!
What a beautiful short film (we just can’t bring ourselves to call this a “commercial” because it is so much more.)
In an interview with AdWeek, Kelly Smith of Zappos THINK (the company’s internal outside-the-box thinking experience team) says, “The Zappos box is our way of being there for our customers, wherever they are in life, as we provide them with the things they need and love. Every box has a unique story and purpose …”
Right on!
This is something we have been preaching for some time now. You can see for yourself with our client SnackNation that a box does not deliver your product only. You packaging is part of your product—including what’s printed on the inside. It is a billboard for you, your values, your brand and your company. It’s tangible and real. And if you don’t do it right, it is a missed opportunity!
Our “Unboxing Better Customer Experiences” white paper highlights just how fascinated consumers are with product packaging. Find out how Ernest can turn a regular brown box into packaging that your customers will actually remember. Whether you package for B2B or B2C, it’s all about messaging. Give us a call today to find out more.